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Grottoes Pool Preservation Foundation

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We are dedicated to preserving and reviving the Town of Grottoes Pool, a vital recreational space for our community. 

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Stay tuned for our upcoming events and activities. 

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The how and why we're working so hard to ensure the long-term viability of Grottoes Pool. 

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Join us in our efforts to preserve and revitalize Grottoes Pool. 

Fundraising Update

After our successful bingo night in July, we are officially over the $25,000 goal! 

The foundation has set a lofty goal of $200k for all repairs and future endeavors for the pool. But this goal is subject to change after our August meeting with National Pools and we receive a current quote for the necessary repairs.

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Fundraising update
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September Foundation Meeting

Tuesday, September 3rd

Please join Grottoes Pool Preservation Foundation for a working session at Town Hall. We will be planning and finalizing our second bingo night! If you'd like to donate or know of any businesses that would, please email us at

If any of these topics interest you, we'd love to have you and hear your ideas! If you aren't able to make it, email us at with your ideas or suggestions.

Foundation meetings will usually be the first Tuesday of every month and start at 6pm. If you'd like to join our email list for all pool related news and updates, please use the Google Form below:

Contact Form

July 13th Bingo Update

We were completely blown away by the outpouring of support we received for our first ever bingo. Because of our amazing community, we raised over $6,000! Thank you to each person, business, organization, member of our foundation and everyone else who donated items and/or purchased items with their own money. Each donation has let us get to this point and it’s how we’re going to make this pool possible! We will now start planning another bingo. More details to come!

A HUGE thank you to Lauren Brunk and the WoodmenLife Chapter 347 in Grottoes for partnering with us to use their building and to Grottoes Volunteer Fire Department for letting us use their bingo equipment! We can’t have a successful bingo night without the bingo supplies.

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